Google Earth
http://earth.google.com/ (more info)
Google Earth is an online mapping and visualization software that enables users to combine geographic information with satellite imagery. It allows layering of images and provides the means to determine relationships between "stacked" visualizations. It reads formatted KML files. This tool provides users with a way of manipulating Earth views through rotating, tilting, and zooming in and out.
Tool Builder
GoogleHeadquartered in Mountain View, CA.
Google Earth is based on technology from Keyhole, a company which Google acquired in 2004.
Tool Cost
Google Earth is a free download offered by Google. Other, more powerful versions are available for purchase.
Tool Help
User guide: http://earth.google.com/userguide/v5/
Support: http://earth.google.com/support/?hl=en
Data Source 1
NASA Aura NO2 Tropospheric Vertical Column Density Data
Aura is an Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite designed to collect data about the composition and chemistry of Earth's atmosphere. The satellite has four onboard instruments: these are the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder, Microwave Limb Sounder, Ozone Monitoring Instrument, and Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) data is available in KML format through NASA.
For more information on this data set see Exploring changes in air quality using Aura tropospheric NO2 data
Data Source 2
Gridded Population of the World
High-resolution world population density data originated by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. A KML file version can be obtained through Google Earth Community.