Step-by-Step Instructions

Part 1Download and Install Software

Download and install ImageJ software.

Part 2Select NEO Data and Explore NEO Interface

Go to the NASA Earth Observations (NEO) website, display a map showing aerosol optical thickness (AOT)a measure of atmospheric particulates like dust and smokeand find out more about the dataset. Use some NEO tools to explore the image; then, download twelve monthly images from the year 2008.

Part 3Animate NEO's AOT Data with ImageJ

Bring the twelve monthly images of aerosol optical thickness data from the year 2008 into ImageJ. Create and explore an animation that shows how AOT changes during the course of a year.

Part 4Compare Two NEO Datasets in ImageJ

Load an ImageJ stack of carbon monoxide (CO) and animate simultaneously with the AOT data for the 12 months of 2008.

Part 5Explore in ICE the Relationship Between AOT and CO

Browse and select one image of aerosol optical thickness data and the corresponding date for carbon monoxide data. Launch the Image Composite Explorer (ICE), NEO's analysis tool. Create histograms and scatterplots to analyze the relationship between aerosol optical thickness and carbon monoxide concentrations.