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Submitted for the Workshop

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A collection of activities that will be developed during the April 2009 workshop.

Results 1 - 10 of 474 matches

Marginal Utility Classroom Experiment part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Economics in Two-Year Colleges:Activities

Recycle -- or not? A case from New York City part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with the Case Method:Examples
A case for the analysis of externalities (social costs and benefits) in the context of recycling. Drawn from a program in New York City.

Aggregate Supply and Demand Selfies: Active Learning with Photo Submission part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Economics in Two-Year Colleges:Activities
In the classroom, students investigate shifts in aggregate supply and demand model. They work in groups to create large scale diagrams. Students submit photos of the impact different events have on the macroeconomy.

Making Rational Decisions in Economics - The Role of Sunk and Marginal Costs part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Just in Time Teaching:Examples
This JiTT exercise uses a real-life example to pose a question to students about the nature of "rationality" as typically used in economics. In this case, the focus is on fixed vs. marginal costs and the ...

Using Excel Spreadsheets to Explore Profit Maximization part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Simulations:Examples
This exercise uses a simple Excel spreadsheet to explore the concept of profit-maximization for a perfectly competitive firm.

The Price Mechanism, Subjective Value and The Antiques Road Show part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Interactive Lectures:Examples
An interactive lecture segment utilizing videos from the Antiques Roadshow, designed to create an interactive experience for students and the instructor. After watching an expert appraisal of a rare/unique object ...

Principles of Economics: understanding opportunity cost, comparative advantage, and absolute advantage part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Just in Time Teaching:Examples
In principles of economics students many times have trouble understanding the concept of opportunity cost, connecting opportunity cost to comparative advantage, and differentiating between absolute advantage and ...

Empirical Economics Research Proposal part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This assignment asks students to propose an original research question and identify data that could be used to answer that question.

Marginal Analysis Context-Rich Problem part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Context-Rich Problems:Examples
In this problem, students consider the benefits of reduced tray usage in school cafeterias by comparing the cost savings of having to clean fewer trays against the opportunity cost of increased labor and energy costs to clean the cafeteria after meals.

Recycle -- or not? A case from New York City part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Teaching with the Case Method:Examples
A case for the analysis of externalities (social costs and benefits) in the context of recycling. Drawn from a program in New York City.