Joann Bangs
Initial Publication Date: February 23, 2009

Associate Professor of Economics
St. Catherine University
2004 Randolph Ave
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: 651.690.6679
Background Information
Joann Bangs is an Associate Professor of Economics at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN. She also teaches in St. Catherine's Master of Arts of Organizational Leadership program. She earned her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Minnesota in 2000.
Joann's research interests include fair trade, the relationship between free trade agreements and the environment, economics education and women's leadership. She has presented her work at several conferences and is part of team that compiles an annual census of women directors and women executive officers of the top 100 publically traded companies in Minnesota.
Related Pedagogical Projects
Joann has published papers in economics education including, Thinking on the Margin: A Classroom Experiment (American Journal of Business Education, 2009) and Extending Learning Beyond the Exam: Multiple Choice Tests (Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 2008). Her working paper, Teaching Perfect and Imperfect Competition with Context-Rich Problems is available on the Social Science Research Network.