Diagram of college majors and occupations in STEM

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Diagram of the relationship between college major and occupation, with a focus on STEM. The length of each circle segment shows the proportion of people graduating in each college major and employed in each occupation group. The thickness of the lines between majors and occupations indicates the share of people in that major-occupation combination. Lines highlighted in color show the proportion of college graduates who work in STEM and highlight that a minority of STEM majors are employed in STEM occupations. Data from US Census Bureau (2012).
Originally uploaded in Integrate:Program Design.

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Last Modified: 2014-07-21 13:02:38
Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/47431/diagram_college_majors_occupat.v5.webp

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US Census Bureau (2012): http://www.census.gov/dataviz/visualizations/stem/stem-html/
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