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Upper-left - This column graph shows the age of the earth with uncertainty. The column extends to the best estimate of the Earth's age (4.54 billion years)). The lines extending above and below the column are the length of the uncertainty value (0.05 billion years) and together encompass the entire range from 4.49 to 4.59 billion years. Upper-right - Scatter plot of fossil dimensions. Uncertainty of fossil width is indicated by the horizontal lines extending from the data point, uncertainty in fossil length is indicated by vertical lines extending from the data point. Fossils A and B have relatively more uncertainty in their fossil width compared to C and D. Fossil A and C have relatively more uncertainty in their fossil length compared to fossil B and D. Lower-left - Uncertainty of location on a map. The blue dot represents the best estimation of location and the pale blue circle represents the uncertainty of the location. If the true location is not exactly at the blue dot, it will fall somewhere within the pale blue circle. Lower-right - This line graph shows the predicted sea level rise (RCP 4.5 scenario), the orange line is the best guess of sea level rise in this scenario, while the light orange band shows the uncertainty. Notice how uncertainty increases into the future. At 2300, the best guess of sea level rise is 1.5 meters, but true sea level rise will fall in the range of 1.0 to 2.0 meters. (source:
Originally uploaded in Math You Need - Majors:Calculating Uncertainty.

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Last Modified: 2024-07-08 14:04:32
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Graham Baird created upper left and upper right, Lisa Gilbert provided lower left, lower right is redrafted from
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