View Original Image at Full SizeFigure 3: This graph shows the amount of tidal marsh and tidal flat (collectively tidal wetlands) before and after European settlement and development of the San Francisco Bay shoreline. Salt ponds, diked wetlands, and agricultural baylands are areas separated from the Bay by levees and used for human use, such as salt production, duck hunting and outdoor recreation, and farming practices. Bay Fill refers to material, such as sediment and debris, used to fill in wetland areas for development or other uses. These areas can be seen in the satellite image in Figure 1.
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Goals Project. 1999. Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals. A report of habitat recommendations prepared by the San Francisco Bay Area Wetlands Ecosystems Goals Project. First Reprint. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco, CA/S.F. Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland, CA.
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