[hidden 'Click for answer' omit_show]<p>ANSWER: (c) 1.2 inches</p>[end hidden]<p>2. What is the amount of precipitation that you would expect to get in Logan, Utah on an annual basis, within a 60 minute time period with a frequency of once every 10 years?</p><p>(a) 0.1 inches<br />(b) 0.7 inches<br />(c) 1.2 inches<br />(d) 2.4 inches</p>[hidden 'Click for answer' omit_show]<p>ANSWER: (b) 0.7 inches<br />Zoom in on Chickamauga, Georgia and answer the following questions.</p>[end hidden]3. What is the amount of precipitation that you would expect to get in Chickamauga on an annual basis, within a 24 hour time period?<p>(a) 0.1 inches<br />(b) 1.3 inches<br />(c) 2.1 inches<br />(d) 3.3 inches</p>[hidden 'Click for answer' omit_show]<p>ANSWER: (d) 3.3 inches</p>[end hidden]<p>4. What is the amount of precipitation that you would expect to get in Chickamauga on an annual basis, within a 60 minute time period with a frequency of once every 10 years?</p><p>(a) 0.1 inches<br />(b) 1.3 inches<br />(c) 2.1 inches<br />(d) 3.3 inches</p>[hidden 'Click for answer' omit_show]<p>ANSWER: (c) 2.1 inches</p>[end hidden]
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