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Figure 4. Digital elevation model of Costa Rica (SRTM) linked to offshore bathymetric data (courtesy of C.J. Petersen, IFM-GEOMAR). Two segment boundaries on the subducting Cocos Plate (Barckhausen et al., 2001) intersect the margin offshore of the Nicoya Peninsula: 1) a morphologic break between smooth and rough sea floor domains (thin dashed line); and 2) a fracture zone trace (thick dashed line) that divides crust formed at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) from that formed at the Cocos-Nazca spreading center (CNS-1 and 2). The southern edge of the Nicoya Peninsula coincides with the Central Costa Rica deformed belt (red dashed line), a diffuse transpressional fault zone between the Caribbean Plate and Panama block inboard of the subducting Cocos Ridge. Rectangle outlines the Nicoya Peninsula as shown in Fig. 5.

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Jeff Marshall (background image courtesy of C.J. Petersen, IFM-GEOMAR, Germany)
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