Unit 1 student handout

Unit 1 student handout
Student handout for Unit 1 activity on calculating earthquake probability, pdf format. Just about all documents in LOE Unit 1 were affected and revised due to July 2024 data updates: earthquake counts and epicenter locations for the study area (now based on a 1994-2023 time window), fault traces in the study area (based on more recent data)

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Uploaded: Jul21 24
Last Modified: 2024-07-21 13:10:37

The file is referred to in 1 page
Created by Laurel Goodell, Princeton University

Google Earth Imagery with data from SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO, LDEO-Columbia, NSF, NOAA.
Accessed via Google Earth December 2013

CA Earthquake Probability Map
Credit: USGS, California Geological Survey, Southern California Earthquake Center
Source: http://www.scec.org/core/public/sceccontext.php/3935/13661/
Accessed December 2013
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