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Defining Strong Departments

Results 1 - 4 of 4 matches

Insights from Across Disciplines part of Defining Strong Departments
Other disciplines have insights to offer on what it means and what it takes to be a "strong" or "thriving" department. The physics, mathematics and biology communities are currently wrestling ...

Characteristics of a Thriving Department part of Defining Strong Departments
This list is based on a list of the characteristics of strong geoscience departments (Acrobat (PDF) 63kB Jun7 05) compiled by participants in the Building Strong Geoscience Departments Workshop, College of William ...

Defining Strong Departments part of Defining Strong Departments
Many researchers have studied what makes a department "strong." If you want your department to thrive in the coming decades, the resources and references below will point you in the right direction. Jump ...

Criteria for Success part of Defining Strong Departments
This list of indicators of successful programs and assessment strategies was developed by participants at the 2005 workshop on Developing Pathways to Strong Departments for the Future. While no single indicator ...

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