Exit Interview Question Set
From the Geology Department at the University of Dayton
This is the exit interview we have used for several years. It has been used to assess a variety of outcomes including student self-assessment of their preparation for graduate school, preparation for employment, and student understanding of the role of research in their academic preparation.
The exit interview question set is given to all graduating seniors.
Use of the Data
The results have been tabulated,analyzed, compared to target percentages, and summarized in an annual assessment report delivered to the Dean's office. However, this process is now in transition and a new assessment plan building on this one is in preparation.
The question set provides useful information on how students perceive their education but relatively little objective data on whether students' perceptions are accurate. It is a valuable component in the assessment process but the information gathered has never been mined as thoroughly as it should be, nor have the assessment reports generated been communicated as effectively as needed to faculty in the department.
Download the UD GEO Exit Interview (Microsoft Word 40kB Feb12 09)