Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Lab Portfolio Rubric

From Char Mehrtens, Geology Department, University of Vermont


Evaluating lab in the Introduction to Earth System Science course


The portfolio is a collection of a student's labs with an accompanying text (3 to 5 pages) discussing what the student sees as the overall themes that all of the labs share. The students are also asked to "contextualize" the labs by responding to a prompt question on how they might use the material later on in life.

Use of the Data

Used as part of the student's grade for the course


The portfolio provides the opportunity to evaluate student writing, it provides the opportunity to evaluate how well students have been able to synthesize material, and it provides the opportunity for students to reflect on how what they learned may be of value later on.


Download the lab portfolio rubric (Microsoft Word 40kB Feb9 09)