Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Rubric for Evaluating Field Camp Reports

From the Geological and Environmental Sciences Department, California State University, Chico


This instrument is used to grade the final field reports for our capstone field course. It is also used to assess strengths and weaknesses in both the field course and in the prerequisite courses.


This grading rubric is completed and given to the students on paper for feedback.

Use of the Data

The data we gathered were used in or assessment report to the university. They were also used to guide us in making curriculum improvements.


We have used this instrument once and found weaknesses in students' ability to describe and interpret sedimentary rocks. In order to correct this deficiency, we redesigned our stratigraphy and sedimentology courses and improved the coordination between the instructors of those courses.


Download the Rubric for evaluating a field camp report (Microsoft Word 66kB Feb16 09)