Initial Publication Date: April 11, 2022
- The StratEGIC Toolkit includes analyses of key strategies used by ADVANCE Institutional Transformation (IT) projects and how strategies were combined by different IT projects. Video interviews with institutional leaders describe institutional innovations and explore cross-cutting challenges for change leaders.
- Laursen & Austin's 2020 book, Building Gender Equity in the Academy: Institutional Strategies for Change, is a handbook and how-to guide for leaders. The book offers guidance on research-based strategies to enhance gender equity on STEM faculties and how to analyze the organizational context to make choices about what strategies may best fit your institution.
- Laursen & De Welde's 2019 article, The changer and the changed: Evolving theories and practices of change in ADVANCE calls for institutional transformation, examines how the National Science Foundation's call for proposals to the ADVANCE program has evolved over time. Some of the organizational change processes that we will study in the current project are related to expectations that emerge from earlier projects' experiences and challenges.
- De Welde's 2015 book (with Andi Stepnick), Disrupting the Culture of Silence: Confronting Gender Inequality and Making Change in Higher Education, examines the challenges women face in the academy and suggest tools for advancing gender equality and equity in higher education.