Initial Publication Date: May 22, 2013

HHMI 7 Assessment/Evaluation Workshop 2013

June 26 & 27, 2013
8 am - 12 pm (lunch provided at noon)
Sayles Hill - Hill Lounge SH252

Registration is due by June 10th. Participants will be reviewing each others' learning goals and projects prior to the workshop, we will keep you updated on your assigned reviews.

This workshop will focus on assessment strategies to measure student learning with a specific focus on integrative learning and transfer between math and science courses at Carleton. This workshop will help faculty who attend to assess the impact of changes in courses and activities on student learning and abilities and will shape the overall evaluation of the HHMI 7 funded work.

Facilitators: Joe Chihade, Cherry Danielson, Ellen Iverson


Day 1: June 26

8:00 Continental Breakfast

8:30 Welcome and icebreaker with overarching goals

HHMI 7 Assessment Workshop Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 795kB Jun25 13)

9:15 Module 1: Learning Outcomes


  • Participants will identify and review the student learning goals/outcomes for their grant project
  • What do participants want their students to be able to do or demonstrate when they have finished the course/module?

10:15 Module 2: Learning Environment


  • Participants will identify a collection of environmental aspects that will undergird their innovation.
  • Participants will identify teaching methods that they will use.
  • Participants will understand the use of paired survey instruments.

11:15 Module 3: Big Picture


  • Participants will appreciate how innovative course development sits within-in the learning environment of their class/course and how it relates to the goals of the HHMI grant.

12:00-1:00 Lunch

Day 2: June 27th

8:00 Continental Breakfast

8:30 Recap from yesterday – Goals for the morning

HHMI Day 2 Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 850kB Jun27 13)

8:45 Module: Timeline of Assessments


  • Faculty will have identified methods of assessing the learning outcomes for their project.
  • Participants will have a process for evaluating the student learning outcomes that aligns with the HHMI grant
  • Participants will understand the use of paired survey instruments.

10:40 Large Group Discussion

11:00 Innovative Problem Solving Discussion

11:15 – 12:00 Closing Discussion

  • What would reporting look like that would help you and help us?
  • What prompt should we give you?

12:00-1:00 Lunch and Workshop Evaluations

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