Initial Publication Date: December 10, 2010

Edison State College

1. What is the status of Quantitative Reasoning programming on your campus?

Nathan Grawe came to present on our campus in November 2009, in separate sessions for adjunct and full-time community college faculty. Faculty were very interested, and several have implemented QR in their courses. We also have a core competency graduation requirement, and one of the standards is quantitative reasoning. We have drafted a rubric for that standard based on the QUIRK work.

2. What are the key learning goals that shape your current programming or that you hope to achieve?

We would like to see QR develop similarly to our WAC initiative, where QR is a component across numerous disciplines, and faculty who teach those QR-inclusive courses form a faculty learning community.

3. Do you have QR assessment instruments in place? If so; please describe:

We have a QR Rubric as part of our core competency program.

4. Considering your campus culture; what challenges or barriers do you anticipate in implementing or extending practices to develop and assess QR programming on your campus?

- Generating assignments that incorporate QR
- Helping faculty see how QR is essential for global higher education
- Continuing to emphasize that QR is not just for the Math faculty

5. Considering your campus culture; what opportunities or assets will be available to support your QR initiatives?

- Our core competency program (a graduation requirement!)
- Active professional development program
- Senior leader support
- Core of knowledgeable faculty