Air Has Matter

Caroline Sorensen
Greenbush Middle River School
Greenbush, Minnesota
Based on an original activity from
Author Profile


It's difficult at times for younger students to realize that air has mass. Matter is something that has volume (takes up space) and has mass (*can be weighed). Air does take up space, even if we can't see it, and air has weight, even if we can't feel it -- and both of these properties can be observed and measured.

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Learning Goals

-Describe air as something that takes up space and has mass (as expressed by weight)
-Observe that air exerts pressure (presses on the things around it)

Context for Use

These activities are intended for k-2, but may be used in other elementary classes as well. Materials needed are readily available and activities may be modified with other materials if necessary.
Suggested time for all activities: 60-90 minutes that may be broken up into smaller units, dependent upon instructional time and needs of students.

Description and Teaching Materials

Students will see that air exists and influences our surroundings by viewing pictures and taking a walk to find "evidence" of air. Students will "trap" air underwater and will lift objects with air in bags. Further emphasis on how air exerts pressure on objects will be explored.

Students observe that air takes up space by "pouring" large bubbles of air underwater and by lifting objects with air-lifting bags. This also demonstrates that air exerts pressure, another important property of air.

Teaching Notes and Tips

Carefully monitor students in the presence of plastic bags for proper handling and usage.


Guided questioning during the activities listed. At the end: Check for understanding by asking students what they would say to someone who thinks that an inflated balloon is empty. Have them discuss this in pairs and report back to the class.


Structure of Matter
1. The student will understand that objects can be sorted and classified based on their properties.
2. The student will classify a substance as a solid, liquid, or gas.
3. The student will know that solids have a definite shape and that liquids take the shape of their container.
The student will understand that matter is made of small particles and this explains the properties of matter.
5. The student will distinguish between volume, mass, and density.

References and Resources