Initial Publication Date: July 10, 2019

Institutional Development

Sharing What We've Learned within our Institutional Setting

Active learning strategies that were part of the SAGE 2YC workshop and based on the theme of student inclusion and success were shared by Karen at the institutional level via a professional-development presentation given at the Academic Excellence Symposium. The symposium is an annual conference held at Daytona State College (DSC) with participation by faculty from DSC as well as from surrounding colleges and universities. Providing a successful experience for all students is one of the missions of our College.

An additional professional-development opportunity targets the staff within the Office of Admissions (OA) and Office of Student Advising (OSA). Based on information shared during the SAGE 2YC: Faculty as Change Agents project about the value of institutional partnerships, we developed a partnership with these two offices. Details about IMES (the Institute of Marine and Environmental Studies) and geoscience student experiences are now annually presented to the dozens of staff members working within these offices and serves as one of their professional development opportunities. Developing a partnership with OA and OSA staff who are engaging with and advising students 'at the front door' to the college has seemingly proven to be an invaluable asset to our recruiting efforts; future attempts to collect data regarding the value of this partnership are planned.

The SAGE 2YC project has clearly indicated the value of sharing the geoscience experience to the broader college community and imparted strategies to build and work within learning communities. With this, IMES is now partnering with Quanta-Honors College and participating in a learning community that encourages students to work within a cluster of multi-disciplinary faculty. Within the IMES cluster, students design and implement a mid-term geoscience research project based on a given theme; this year's theme was the impact of plastics on marine sediments, water and biota. For their final project, each student was encouraged to build from their mid-term project results and apply interests specific to their major. For example, a student majoring in pre-med presented her research findings about the health issues associated with the ingestion of micro plastics. Each student's final project was peer-reviewed and showcased to the broader college community during the annual Arts & Sciences Colloquium.

Sharing What We've Learned with the Broader Community

As part of the SAGE 2YC project, each team hosted an annual workshop with the purpose of sharing what we'd learned to a broader community of geoscience faculty from surrounding 2YCs and high schools. To be more effectual, the Florida Team decided to give its workshop a name: PaSSAGE to Student Success at Florida 2YCs. The Florida Team also created a logo. The PaSSAGE mission and goals developed as the basis of our workshops may be found on our workshop pages. Based on reviews, providing these workshops and introducing evidence-based teaching strategies has been very beneficial to all in attendance. The PaSSAGE workshops have also broadened the network of geoscience faculty from across the state and helped to expose IMES and geoscience opportunities to local high school faculty. Hosting these workshops has also been valuable in the sense that none of the Florida Team had ever developed or hosted a workshop before. We can truly say that hosting these workshops has built our confidence and instilled in us their value when identifying useful tools to engage faculty and staff in future efforts.