Guidelines for Abstracts, Posters and Presentations

Guidelines for Abstracts

All participants at the EarthScope in the Northern Rockies workshop are encouraged to submit an abstract for the proceedings volume. Please follow standard GSA guidelines in formatting your submission. We are not imposing a length limit, but please use discretion (suggested length <500 words). Following the precedent set at the EarthScope National Meeting (Santa Fe, 2005), we also encourage you to submit with your abstract an "iconic" figure that represents your current research or educational activities. We have plenty of space, so you are free to submit more than one abstract if you would like.

In preparing your abstract, we would like you to address:

  • Your current research or educational activities, and your perspective on the compelling scientific questions for the next generation of research in the Northern Rockies,
  • How the EarthScope facility (USArray, flexible array, PBO, campaign instruments, etc.) can be used in your own research and education programs, and what do you expect in return from the EarthScope program.

Please send files of your abstracts and images to Karin Kirk at The abstract deadline is September 6, 2005 - this is a firm deadline for your materials to be included in the workshop program.

Guidelines for Posters - Volunteered Presentations from Workshop Participants

Printed posters should be no larger than six feet wide by five feet tall in landscape orientation. These will either be posted on the walls of the room (using T-pins on a carpeted backing on the walls), or they may be posted on stand-alone poster easels of similar dimensions.

A digital version of your poster will be posted on the EarthScope in Northern Rockies website (see a similar example). Please email a file of your poster to and as either a PowerPoint or PDF file. In order to make the posters useful for viewing on the web, the file size needs to be reduced such that the total file size is less than 5 MB. The printed version of your poster may well be larger than 5 MB, so you'll need to downsize any images that are very high resolution which will reduce the total file size. If you are unsure of how to do this, then bring a copy of your poster to the workshop on a CD and Karin will do the resizing for you.

Please be sure to submit the abstract of this presentation by the September 6th deadline so that we can include your presentation in the program, and so we can arrange the posters for the session.

Guidelines for PowerPoint Presentations - Invited Speakers

We will be posting each presentation on the workshop web site. In order to make the presentations useful for viewing on the web, the file size needs to be reduced such that the total file size is less than 3 MB. The original version of your PowerPoint file may well be larger than 3 MB, so you'll need to downsize any images that are very high resolution. If you are unsure of how to do this, then bring a copy of your presentation to the workshop on a CD and Karin will do the resizing for you.