Initial Publication Date: January 9, 2025

Howard Community College: Using the TIDeS module in PHYS 106- Earth and Space Science

Beth Dushman, Howard Community College

Why I Revised My Course

About the Course

PHYS 106- Earth and Space Science

Level: Most students take this course to fulfill a general education requirement. A few students take it as a requirement for an education major. Most classes have a large variety of student majors. As HCC does not have a geology or meteorology program, there are no majors, and very, very few students who intend to continue on in Earth Science. Occasionally, students will take the course and then decide to focus on an Earth Science program when they transfer.
Size: 24 students
Format: 2 lecture sessions, 80 minutes each and one 3-hour lab per week

Syllabus for PHYS 106 Earth and Space Science (Acrobat (PDF) 397kB Sep20 24)

The original course fell into the common trap of providing a huge amount of information without asking students to engage in the process of science themselves. In this new version, students engage with scientific practices, ask questions, and analyze data many times throughout the semester, helping them to build confidence in their ability as scientists and teachers. We hope that through the TIDeS curriculum, students will feel more comfortable engaging in, and eventually teaching, the basics of science. We use real-world data and place-based examples to motivate students to learn about locations and issues that they care about, bringing science into their lives instead of thinking about abstract concepts.

The TIDeS labs were a useful learning tool which took the lessons from lecture and gave an understandable context for them. They were most beneficial for my learning due to the high amount of student participation and engaging discussion.

My Experience Teaching with TIDeS Materials

I ended up mostly using these activities in lab, with a few of them in lecture. Overall, though, I found that I needed to do some more traditional lecturing (although I tried to break it up to smaller chunks) to get students up to speed for each activity.

A Unit-by-Unit Breakdown of How I Taught this Module


Each TIDeS activity was graded according to the rubric on the worksheets. Most of them were used as lab activities, and some were in lecture class. I still gave traditional exams, but because there were more points available overall from the in-class activities, the exams were slightly lower stakes. Furthermore, all of the exams included open-ended questions where students were asked to share specific things they learned or found particularly useful or interesting. This gave the students a chance to reflect on what they learned and helped boost confidence in test-taking.


Student feedback showed that students felt much more comfortable with the processes of science and in their own ability to do science, which was the major outcome for the project. Student feedback also indicated that they recognized the importance of Earth Science in their non-academic lives and in local and global socioeconomic and geopolitical issues.