Initial Publication Date: January 9, 2025

Russell Sage College: Using the TIDeS module in SCI-104: Physical and Earth Sciences

Sandra Penny, Russell Sage College

Why I Revised My Course

About the Course

SCI-104: Physical and Earth Sciences

Level: Level: This is a general-education course open to all majors at my institution, but it is a required course for our education majors and about two thirds of the students are early childhood education majors. Many (but definitely not all) of these students self-describe themselves quantitatively weak and they have avoided science courses in the past. It is a challenge teaching to students of such varied backgrounds, but it is with this population in mind that the course was developed.

Size: 25-30 students
Format: Two 80-minute lecture sessions per week

Syllabus for SCI-104: Physical and Earth Sciences (Acrobat (PDF) 184kB Mar5 24)

Before I took over this course, it was a traditional lecture classroom with a handful of hands-on "lab" activities sprinkled throughout. In this TIDeS course, we really push the limits on what can be accomplished in a traditional classroom in a good way. Students get used to completing mini-labs and activities virtually every day and lecture/class discussions are used just for introduction and wrap-up/synthesis.

This is a physics class, but most of the applications and examples are relevant in an Earth science class. Make no mistake, though: we tackle all the major topics of a typical physics class: energy, forces, waves, density, and more. These Earth-tinted applications are a strength, not a weakness. Students tune out when they hear about frictionless carts on ramps, but they tune in when they are asked to look through data to explain how hurricanes and home heating systems share the same physics principles because they are both heat engines.

A student stated in their anonymous end-of-semester course evaluations:

The labs were very effective! I really like these because I am a visual learner. I like using my hands to stay engaged. Giving me an activity and allowing me to work with others is extremely beneficial. I tend to talk myself through my work as it is so this worked out well. Communicating my ideas and writing them up, almost as a reflection, allowed me to go over the material multiple times, wrap my head around it, and further communicate it when doing the weekly reflections or end-of-the-unit projects. Speaking of the end-of-the-unit projects, I really liked the lesson plans!! It was nice to be able to actually do something I would have to do for my teaching career. This was the first class I have ever done a lesson plan in and the requirements for it were set up very well. It was easy for me to understand them and it gave me a good way to communicate what I know.

My Experience Teaching with TIDeS Materials

My course is a typical 3-hour lecture class that meets in a normal classroom, which means: 1) I don't have five hours a week like lecture+lab courses, 2) there's a class in the room just before, making setup a challenge, 3) the tables in the room don't move easily, and 4) there are three buildings, four elevator rides, and one wheelchair ramp between the place where my materials are stored and my classroom. This is a challenge!

If you're in a situation like mine, then you'll want to check out the unit-by-unit notes below as they highlight the things you can skip for time and the ways that I modified some of the messier experiments to a classroom environment. I have taught this course twice, and in the first pilot I didn't get close to finishing the course! The timings and descriptions below are from the second time through when I did get through everything but had to skip some units that I'm still sad about.

Here are some general suggestions that worked well for me:

  • Get two classrooms near each other. A lot of the labs ask students to spread out. On days that we were doing labs that required space, I'd have everyone meet in the "main" classroom for announcements and to organize our thoughts, and then groups could spread out after that. My sensory students who don't work well in a loud environment especially enjoyed this option.
  • Get permission to store your materials in (or very near) your classroom. It was a lot of work for me to use a cart (four elevator rides, a wheel chair ramp, and three buildings...), but with enough planning I could almost carry a box by hand a little bit at a time.
  • A lot of the labs and activities in Unit 3 require using water. This is very dangerous for students who have their personal laptops and phones out. Remind students constantly to keep these things in backpacks or on designated water-free tables.

A Unit-by-Unit Breakdown of How I Taught this Module


This class has daily pre-class assignments, daily science journals, weekly reflections, and monthly lesson plan summative assignments. This structure and layout was great from the student perspective - there are no tests/quizzes/anxiety-causing assessments, and after a few weeks the students are used to the routine and know what to expect

Pre-Class Assignments: Pre-Class Assignments generally fall into two different categories: reading/watching assignments that prepare students for the learning of that day, and Scientist Spotlights. I gave credit to students for turning these in, and when the questions were particularly relevant I would summarize student responses before class. These were always graded for credit, not correctness.

In this course we complete 10 "Scientist Spotlights" that showcase an array of scientists in fields relevant to the topics of the day, some from long ago and others young and active today, together representing a diversity of people who all have a passion for science. I was shocked at how much my students resonated with/enjoyed these. They frequently came up in reflections or course evaluations as valued parts of the course.

Science Journals: Every unit has at least one (often two, sometimes three!) activities/labs, so there are lots of opportunities for students to complete Science Journals (i.e., Lab Journals). In the beginning of the semester when I was establishing "Science Journal Norms," I would start class by adding a few "favorite" examples from science journals submissions from the previous day (always with names redacted, and I gave students the opportunity to opt out of ever being featured by emailing me).

You'll find that most units also have a worksheet/handout option that can be completed in lieu of a science journal. Handouts are definitely faster, but they do not ask your students to engage as deeply with the practices of science. I went back and forth between the two formats depending on how much time we had on the day.

Reflections: These are assigned approximately weekly at the conclusion of (almost) all units. These assignments are great because students are asked to demonstrate higher-order thinking by putting their learning into their own words and also to apply their knowledge. When we reflect, this allows us to consider our understanding of our own thought processes which is an integral part of the learning process. I tried to actually read through and grade all of the reflections (500 words x 30 students x 15 weeks...), and I won't be doing that again. I highly recommend coming up with an alternate plan (ideas: ungrading, reflections are summarized by small groups at the start of class, have students post their reflections in an anonymous discussion forum and require them to read/comment on each others' reflections, grade some reflections for completion only).

Lesson Plan Summative Assessments: Only about two thirds of my class are education majors, and the rest are there because this class meets a general education science elective. You'd think that would mean this assignment is only worthwhile for the education majors, but you'd be wrong! Lesson plans are a great way for students to demonstrate their understanding and growth on their own terms. Rather than asking students to do what we do on a typical test (memorize every detail about every little thing and then forget it immediately), students do the thing that research has shown leads to longer-lasting learning and higher-order thinking (spend a bunch of thinking thoughtfully, effortfully, and deeply about a single topic). Bonus: I was very clear that I expect lesson plans to reflect the language and understanding from our class, and that made it a challenge for students to outsource this assignment to AI and/or google. I'm already trying to think about how I can use this same format in my other general education courses.


My main goal for this course was to model what a physical science course in a K-12 classroom SHOULD look like and that is how I approached it. This is a deliberate choice. I want my students to become teachers who inspire their future students to love math and science, but many of them have been raised in a system that teaches physics as "hard" and something they aren't "smart" enough to get through. Throughout the course, we discuss WHY certain instructional strategies are used (ex: how is this material requiring you to engage with your slow brain or encouraging a growth mindset?) and emphasize that learning is a process by de-incentivizing the idea that you need to have "right" answer or that you can't fail if you want to make progress on your understanding. I would say that my course was very successful in achieving these goals!