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Political Science

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American Politics Group Data Projects part of QuIRK:Curricular Materials:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Steven Schier, Carleton College
SETUPS (Empirical Teaching Unites in Political Science) data, published by the American Political Science Association, will be employed in group data analysis projects in an American Government class. Students then use results from these reports in composing an essay question on the course's final exam.

Political Psychology - Public Political Attitudes Assignment part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Greg Marfleet, Carleton College
Students were asked to compare their estimates of public opinion on several current issues to the actual values obtained through the analysis of National Surveys. The objective was to explore a common social attribution error and to acquire familiarity with data sources and on-line analysis tools.

Quantitative Review of an Article part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Tun Myint, Carleton College
Students will read an academic article critically and write a review of the article.

Assessing the Measurement and Validity of Ambiguous Concepts in Ethnic Conflict Datasets part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Devashree Gupta, Carleton College
This assignment introduces students to commonly used datasets in ethnic conflict studies. It also encourages them to think critically about data quality and measurement challenges when using large datasets.

The Logic of Congressional Elections part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
, Carleton College
A variety of quantitative approaches to Congressional elections in which students learn the causes of electoral outcomes, the predictability of those outcomes, and intervening variables that produce unexpected outcomes.

The Role of Audience in Quantitative Writing part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Julian Westerhout, Carleton College
This workshop entails the reading of a highly quantitative article, summarizing it for a different audience, and reflecting upon what choices and opportunities audience presents for quantitative writers.

Quantitative Review of a Political Science Documentary/Movie part of QuIRK:Curricular Materials:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Tun Myint, Carleton College
This assignment is designed to introduce quantitative reasoning and critical thinking in viewing documentary videos on the issues of development. Students will write a review essay about one of three designated documentaries for the course.

Building an Electoral Dataset and Testing Hypotheses with the Data part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Alfred Montero, Carleton College
Undergraduate student project for building datasets and analyzing the electoral, party system, and mass behavioral characteristics for a set of countries.

Analyzing Data on American Political Divisions part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Steven Schier, Carleton College
Students conducted data analysis about American political divisions and created two papers from this data analysis. Sutdents were assigned to group projects involving data analysis assigned chapters in MICROCASE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, a textbook that includes access to a variety of datasets.

Graphically Presenting Quantitative Relationships: Elements of Effective Posters part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Julian Westerhout, Carleton College
This workshop involves students in evaluating the efficacy of posters as a communication tool, focusing on elements of clarity in poster and graphic design.

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