
Results 1 - 10 of 89 matches

Position Paper: Where to Send NASA's Next Big Mission part of Carleton College Learning and Teaching Center:Writing Across the Curriculum with Numbers:Assignments
John Weiss, Carleton College
An opinion essay (in the style of an Op-Ed) wherein students argue for sending NASA's next large mission to a particular solar system target. Arguments are based on data and (where possible) numbers.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Race and Space part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
Lindsay Custer, Cascadia Community College
This assignment exposes students to racial inequalities in their own communities and helps them to identify the impact of racial segregation on quality of life. The big ideas in this assignment are racial inequality, residential segregation, and environmental justice.

What is Magnitude? Earthquake Magnitude By Analogy part of Geophysics:Workshop 07:Geophysics Activities
Scott White, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Understanding magnitude scales by analogy to distance. Students use distance as a proxy for understanding how the logarithmic earthquake magnitude scale works. Very simple class or lab exercise for introductory ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Mining the News part of Carleton College Learning and Teaching Center:Writing Across the Curriculum with Numbers:Assignments
Carol Rutz, Carleton College
This is a series of short assignments that require students to locate appropriate journalistic texts and employ rhetorical analysis: Mining the News.

The Anatomy of a Rate Law part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Barry Bickmore, Brigham Young University
This assignment teaches geochemistry students to explain the mathematical forms of rate laws, and organize paragraphs in their writing assignments properly.

Mystery in Alaska: A Study of the 2000 Fishing Ban part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Tun Myint, Carleton College
Solving Mystery in Alaska and investigating the role of science in July 2000 Alaska fishing ban with the intention to protect Steller sea lions.

Carbon Sequestration of Eastside Neighborhood Trees part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Tun Myint, Carleton College
Carbon Sequestration of Eastside Neighborhood Trees in Northfield, MN

Counting Grizzly Bears: An Exercise in Historical Reasoning part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
George Vrtis, Carleton College
This assignment engages students in an environmental history class in the use of quantitative data, and raises questions about the nature and meaning of that data, and how it might be utilized.

Sink or Float? Inquiry Investigation part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
Anne Gardner, Bruce F. Vento Elementary, St. Paul, MN based on an activity from Science NetLinks
Students explore and experiment with various objects to find which materials will float or sink. They record predictions and results, and generate ideas about the properties of materials that float or sink.

Interim Assessment of the Affordable Care Act part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Nathan Grawe, Carleton College
This assignment invites students to synthesize what they have learned about the American health care system and the theory of health care economics through an examination of changes in health care since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

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