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Race and Space part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
Lindsay Custer, Cascadia Community College
This assignment exposes students to racial inequalities in their own communities and helps them to identify the impact of racial segregation on quality of life. The big ideas in this assignment are racial inequality, residential segregation, and environmental justice.
Shifting Attitudes on the Second Shift: A Statistical Analysis of Women and Work part of QuIRK:Curricular Materials:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Liz Raleigh, Carleton College
(How) have public attitudes about work and gender changed over the last 25 years? Using the General Social Survey (available online) students will conduct a descriptive statistical analysis of Americans perceptions about women and work from 1988. They will then contextualize their findings within the contemporary literature about these issues.
The Effect of Race and Ethnicity on High School Graduation Rates in Florida part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Undergraduate Research:Examples
Mary Borg, University of North Florida
In this individual research project, a senior thesis student conducts a regression analysis that investigates the effects of race, ethnicity, and poverty on high school graduation rates in Florida. The data are easily obtainable from the Florida Department of Education. The project can be modified to be a group research project in a Research Methods Class or a Special Topics Upper Level Economics class.
GSS based data analysis part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
, Carleton College
Students will write and present a paper which consists of a review of literature and an empirical/statistical test of the relation between specific variables in the field of social stratification.
Placing a Community: Demographic Contexts part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Adriana Estill, Carleton College
This assignment asks students to examine several recent U.S. census tables about Hispanics and educational attainment and write a brief report that details the conclusions they reach.