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Environmental Science

Results 1 - 4 of 4 matches

Race and Space part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
Lindsay Custer, Cascadia Community College
This assignment exposes students to racial inequalities in their own communities and helps them to identify the impact of racial segregation on quality of life. The big ideas in this assignment are racial inequality, residential segregation, and environmental justice.

Counting Grizzly Bears: An Exercise in Historical Reasoning part of Teaching Resources:Quantitative Writing:Examples
George Vrtis, Carleton College
This assignment engages students in an environmental history class in the use of quantitative data, and raises questions about the nature and meaning of that data, and how it might be utilized.

Exploring Effects of Oil Spills on Birds part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
April Rosendale, Hilltop Elementary, Henderson, MN
This activity allows children to explore the effects of oil spills on birds.

Environmental Injustice: Evaluating the evidence part of QuIRK:Curricular Materials:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Kimberly Smith, Carleton College
This assignment teaches students how to evaluate arguments concerning the maldistribution of environmental hazards, based on complex quantitative data.

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