Working Groups
- Each working group must have more than one person in it.
- Each working group must produce an on-line product of utility to non-workshop participants - either a workspace page, an activity sheet or a course sheet.
Suggestions for Groups
- Using readings in teaching POS - Anne Egger, Yvonne Duncan, David Eichinger, Jeff Standish, Sandra Swenson
- Integrating POS into content that doesn't lend itself to case study (e.g. rock identification) - Kaatje Kraft, Anna Thanukos, Dave Dempsey, Kathleen Harper, Dave Kobilka
- Science/religion issues - Barry Bickmore, Amy Ellwein, Sharon Browning, Dara Dorsey
- Nature of Science ConcepTests (Acrobat (PDF) 111kB Jul17 09) - Steve Iona, Steve Shawl, Pete Stelling
- Developing creativity and insight - Trileigh Tucker, Dave Gosselin
- Constructing a POS course for grad students/upper level majors (Microsoft Word 30kB Jul16 09) - Anthony Carpi, Karen Viskupic, Nancy Ruggieri