Sarah Johnson
Wild Rose Education
Sarah R. Johnson MAEd, founder of Wild Rose Education, works to advance place-based education and civic engagement through authentic learning experiences connecting people to the landscape to foster their own personal land and water ethic. She believes in democracy, loves wild places, and strives to create opportunities for people to contribute to their future world through participation in public life. Sarah has been based in western Colorado working to protect rivers and public lands since 2004.
See more at www.wildroseeducation.com.
Sarah has designed and founded the Youth Water Leadership Program and its' Healthy Rivers Youth Water Summit. The mission of the Youth Water Leadership Program is to create authentic student-centered learning experiences that increase watershed literacy through civic action.
Sarah has also designed the Western Rivers Teacher Workshops with a focus on how to use rivers and water in the West as a real-world lens to learning the process of science, geographic inquiry skills, and enrich educators knowledge of river ecosystems and water policy.
Website Content Contributions
Essay (1)
Earth Education Expands to Teach Active Participation in Public Life part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Earth Education for Sustainable Societies:Essays
By Sarah R. Johnson, MAEd, Founder and Director of Wild Rose Education As the world continues to be bombarded by wicked problems, neuroscience research continues to expand and inform the field of teaching and ...
Conference Presentation (1)
Increasing STEM Interest through a Placed-Based Interdisciplinary Field Course for TRIO High School Students part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2023:Program:Poster Sessions:Monday Poster Session
We piloted a field-based summer bridge program for Upward Bound enrolled high school students (a federal TRIO program). Longterm, our goal is to recruit, support, and retain historically underrepresented and ...
Other Contributions (2)
Facilitating Student Centered Community Action Projects part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Afternoon Workshops
Come learn from the Youth Water Leadership Program a few tips and tricks to creating student-centered authentic place-based learning opportunities for secondary students. Through interactive activities and group ...
The Water-Literate Citizen: Help Develop a New Framework Document for Water Literacy part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Afternoon Workshops
Be a part of the development of a Water Literacy Framework Document, similar to the Earth Science Literacy, Ocean Science Literacy documents comprised of "big ideas and supporting concepts." Such a ...

Rocky Mountain Section, Teacher Education Division
July 2020 Teaching with Augmented and Virtual Reality Interest
NAGT Rocky Mountain Section
Teaching in the Field Interest Group
NAGT Webinar Series Interest
Earth Educators' Rendezvous Interest Group
Workshop Leader
Workshop Participant (8 workshops)
July 2020 EER 2020 Implementing Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Classroom
July 2020 EER 2020 Friday