Hugo Gutierrez
University of Texas at El Paso
Website Content Contributions
Conference Presentations (2)
Developing a New Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Geophysics and Hydrology Field Camp part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Poster Sessions:Posters
A team of faculty at The University of Texas at El Paso developed and taught a new, three-week interdisciplinary undergraduate Geophysics and Hydrology Field Camp in Valles Caldera National Preserve during May ...
Team-based experiential learning in the Geosciences: lessons from an Ecohydrology course with a diverse student group part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Oral Sessions:Oral Session II
A team-based experiential learning oriented class using ecohydrologic theory and research as the main topic was pilot-tested at a cross-listed graduate/undergraduate class. The class was based on a research ...
Other Contributions (3)
A Course Scaffold for Integrating Science and Culture: A Water Example part of STEM Futures:Products
The History and Future of Water integrates the sciences and humanities. This course will engage students with different perspectives (e.g, economics, geological, hydrological, societal) on the history of water and guide students to integrate these with their own perspectives based on personal and cultural beliefs. This integrated understanding will lead students to a STEM-informed and culturally-informed approach for thinking about water sustainability and resiliency. Students create a digital portfolio over the entirety of the course that showcases this integrated learning for them as an individual to be shared with other students, thereby learning from one another's cultural backgrounds and experiences. Instructors can easily adapt this course to fit their disciplinary expertise and specific group of students!
The Student Portfolio: A History and Future of Water StoryMap part of STEM Futures:Product Elements
Description of the portfolio students develop for the History and Future of Water course. Specifically, students will develop a portfolio presented as a StoryMap (a digital product combining prose and visuals) describing what was learned in class and connecting it to student's cultural knowledge of water. Portfolios in StoryMap include activities that are scaffolded across learning outcomes to the culminating assignment where students reflect on these connections to their lives. The StoryMap project is designed to incorporate evidence of all student activities and their learning progression in the course. Each activity will address one or more learning outcomes so that the student has evidence of all learning outcomes by the time they write their culminating reflection.
Oral Session II part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Oral Sessions:Oral Session II
Each oral session will run over a 2.5 hour period. Each talk will be 15 minutes in length, and there will be a 25 minute break halfway through the session. The schedule for this session is posted below.
July 2020 Teaching Computation Interest Group
NAGT Webinar Series Interest
Workshop Participant (7 workshops)
July 2017 EER 2020 Friday
Earth Education for Sustainable Societies Workshop 2019