Miriam Fuhrman

I am a geoscientist who has worked for most of the last 30+ years in the development of standardized assessments. My formal educational background is in igneous petrology – my expertise in evaluation and assessment development comes not from involvement in educational research, per se, but rather from on-the-job experience. I currently am a Senior Content Specialist at  ACT, Inc.

Workshop Leader, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Essay (1)

Miriam Fuhrman part of Metacognition:Workshop 08:Participant Essays
Some Slightly Random Thoughts on Metacognition By Mimi Fuhrman, Rock Solid Testing Services, Carlsbad, CA I am a geoscientist who has worked for most of the last 20 years in the development of standardized ...

Other Contributions (2)

Questionnaire to measure indicators for recruitment/retention in geoscience careers part of Student Learning: Observing and Assessing:Activities
This partial survey contains generic items that can be used to evaluate indicators associated with enhanced likelihood of students remaining in the geosciences. This is a DRAFT document and has not yet been piloted or tested.

Developing Strategies for Inclusive Teaching Practices part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2021:Program:Morning Workshops:Developing Strategies for Inclusive Teaching Practices
During this 3-day workshop, participants will learn to solicit diverse viewpoints and amplify voices of all students, to decolonize instruction and identify the influence of race and perspective, and work ...


Workshop Leader

Workshop Participant (12 workshops)

Webinar Participant (12 webinars)