Byron Straw
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Northern Colorado
I completed my undergraduate work at Clarion University of Pennsylvania with a dual major in geology and secondary education with an emphasis in Earth and Space science. I then moved to northern Virginia where I first worked as a hydrogeologist for Shell oil company. After a few years, I started teaching geology, astronomy, meteorology, and AP environmental science at the high school level near Washington DC. I then moved to Oregon to pursue teaching. After a few years, I decided to attend the University of Northern Colorado for graduate school in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. I finished my graduate work, was hired at UNC, and primarily focus on teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses. My research interests consists of Late Quaternary glacial geomorphology, Holocene/Pleistocene climate reconstruction, sub-surface geophysical investigation, geo-archaeology, soils, hydrogeology, volcanic geology, geomorphology, and science education.
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Helping non-geoscience majors understand societal impacts of environmental issues in technical writing courses part of Integrate:Program Design:InTeGrate Program Models:University of Northern Colorado:Activities
Using technical writing classes to teach environmental concerns facing society today
Conference Presentations (3)
Assisting Non-geoscience Students to Understand Environmental/Sustainability Issues through Scientific Writing Classes part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2017:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday
At many colleges and universities, students wishing to graduate with a science degree are required to take a course in scientific writing. Traditionally, these classes required students to choose a topic in the ...
Getting (and Keeping) Northern Colorado Students in the Door: Broadening Participation by Attracting and Supporting All Students part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2017:Program:Oral Sessions:Monday B
Strategies to broaden participation in geosciences are varied. Many in the geosciences know we can do a better job, but how? The InTeGrate implementation program at the University of Northern Colorado (UNCo) ...
Curriculum & Student Assessment; Routes to Recruitment part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Abstracts
After two years working in the Assessment Leadership Institute (ALI) at the University of Northern Colorado, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences faculty crafted student learning outcomes based on ...
Other Contributions (2)
Faculty Reflection: Byron Straw part of Integrate:Program Design:InTeGrate Program Models:University of Northern Colorado:Faculty Reflections
University of Northern Colorado Course(s): Scientific Writing (SCI-291) A Success Story in Programmatic Change Environmental challenges facing today's society are numerous. By utilizing InTeGrate materials, ...
University of Northern Colorado - Inviting diverse students to sustain their future part of Integrate:Program Design:InTeGrate Program Models:University of Northern Colorado
× The faculty at the University of Northern Colorado set about increasing the recruitment and retention of students in geoscience, including a focus on increasing the diversity of those students. Their ...