Bill Rose
Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Michigan Technological University
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Forecasting Lake Effect Snow in Lake Superior region part of Hurricanes-Climate Change Connection:Activities
This exercise is designed to present the realistic problems of forecasting weather. Lake effect snows are hard to forecast because they depend on information that isn't part of the regular set of information ...
Other Contributions (2)
Use of Metacognitive wrappers for field experiences part of Metacognition:Classroom Tactics
Contributors: Thomas Brown and Bill Rose Developed at the 2008 workshop, The Role of Metacognition in Teaching Geoscience. Course level: intro Description of the metacognitive tactic: Use of Blooms taxonomy levels ...
William Rose part of Hurricanes-Climate Change Connection:Workshop 08:Participant Profiles
William Rose Geological Eng Sciences Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Dr Houghton, MI 49931 906.487.2367 906.487.3371 (fax) I have been teaching in university for 38 years, but needed ...