Gary Varrella

Extension - Spokane County

Washington State University-Spokane

Dr. Gary F. Varrella received his bachelor’s, teaching credential and masters from  UC-Davis, and his doctorate from the University of Iowa (1997). His areas of expertise are 4-H youth development, expertise in teaching, emphasis of STEM and science & society, formal and informal learning, evaluation, and agricultural education. He is an associate professor at WSU as an Extension 4-H Educator. Dr. Varrella has been a high school teacher, a state Ag Ed Curriculum Specialist, managed NSF projects, was a science teacher educator at Ohio University (Athens) and George Mason University (Fairfax), and worked in the developing nations of Armenia and Azerbaijan. He has co-edited/co-authored 10 international texts, written one monograph, five book chapters, and published five peer-reviewed journal articles.

Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Course Modules (5)

Unit 4: Soils, Systems and Society Kit Presentation part of Soils, Systems, and Society
In this unit, students construct and present a standards-based, K–8 Soils, Systems, and Society Kit that consists of lessons and supporting materials around a locally and broadly relevant societal issue that ...

InTeGrate Developed This material was developed and reviewed through the InTeGrate curricular materials development process.
Learn more about this review process.

Other Contribution (1)

Assessment of Module Goals part of Soils, Systems, and Society
Overall Module Assessments Summative Assessment The overarching summative assessment for this module is the "Soils, Systems, and Society Kit" (Kit) and presentation. For this assessment, students ...
