Steve Reynolds
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Website Content Contributions
Activities (3)
Who Polluted Surface and Groundwater in This Place? part of Introductory Courses:Activities
Students use water-well data and geology to determine which site caused groundwater and surface-water contamination.
Learn more about this review process.
Think-Aloud Modeling of Geologic Reasoning in the Field part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Activities
This activity involves explicitly sharing with students all the thoughts that occur to the instructor, as they occur, at a geologic field site. Assessment can be conducted with concept sketches.
Identifying Plate Tectonic Boundaries for a Virtual Ocean Basin part of Introductory Courses:Activities
Students observe an ocean basin and two continental margins to identify possible plate boundaries and predict where earthquakes and volcanoes would occur. They also draw the boundaries in cross section.
Course (1)
Advanced Field Geology part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Course
This is a field-based course, taught during four weekends, spread out over the semester. Each trip generally visits a different locality in order to expose students to diverse types of geology, everything from ...
Essay (1)
A metacognitive approach to teaching geologic reasoning part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Essays
A metacognitive approach to teaching geologic reasoning Stephen J Reynolds and Julia K Johnson, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus Solving geologic problems ...

Far Western Section, Geoscience Education Research Division
July 2017 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2016
July 2016 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2015
July 2015 Earth Educators' Rendezvous Interest Group
Teach the Earth
Workshop Leader
Workshop Participant (15 workshops)
July 2018 Advancing Transdisciplinary Dialogue in Geoscience Education Research
July 2018 Designing your Course to Maximize Student Learning
July 2017