Jill Singer
Earth Sciences and Science Education
SUNY Buffalo State University
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Using a Flume to Demonstrate Fluid Properties and Sediment Transport part of Sedimentary Geology:Activities
A laboratory recirculating flume offers ideal opportunities for conducting demonstrations designed to help students observe and understand a variety of fluid properties and the basics of sediment entrainment and ...
Course (1)
Buffalo State College - Oceanography part of Teacher Preparation:Resource Collections:Courses
This non-lab based course is open to all students, including geology and earth science majors. It is taken by prospective elementary teachers (often those earning a concentration in science) and secondary science ...
Conference Presentation (1)
The EvaluateUR Methods: Improving learning outcomes, mentorship, and evaluation in independent undergraduate research, course-based research, and team competitions through metacognitive practice part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2022:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday Poster Session
Metacognition is central to student learning, encouraging learners to be aware of what they are doing and why, and to use that awareness to make intentional adjustments to learn more effectively. Undergraduate ...
Other Contributions (2)
Theme Group 2: Earth Science for Secondary Teachers - Systems and Models part of Teacher Preparation:Workshops and Activities:Workshop 2007
Group Members Eric Pyle, History and Philosophy of the Geosciences James Ebert, Laboratory Techniques in Earth Science William Slattery, Earth Systems Jill Singer, Oceanography Sandra Rutherford, Methods for ...
Grant Writing 101 part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Mini Workshops:Grant Writing 101
Preparing a proposal can be overwhelming -- especially for those inexperienced with the process. This session will introduce participants to such things as: how to read and understand an NSF program solicitation; ...