Lisa Tranel


Illinois State University

Workshop Participant, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor, Reviewer

Website Content Contributions

Activities (3)

Wind Landforms part of Sedimentary Geology:Sedimentology, Geomorphology, and Paleontology 2014:Activities
In this assignment, students evaluate depositional and erosional landforms created by wind processes. This exercise looks at sand dune and yardang features using satellite images and topographic maps in an online ...

Moraine Sediments part of Sedimentary Geology:Sedimentology, Geomorphology, and Paleontology 2014:Activities
In this assignment students look at the provenance of glacial sediments and the size and shape of clasts to investigate the sources of moraine material and what happens as glaciers transport sediment. Students ...

Erosion and deposition in modern and ancient streams part of Early Career:Previous Workshops:Workshop 2010:Teaching Activities
This activity is designed to link how modern day processes are preserved in the rock record. It provides the opportunity to directly compare similar settings. It is an opportunity to practice observation skills and ...

Other Contributions (3)

Mapping erosion with glacial and fluvial sediment cooling ages in Garnet Canyon part of Vignettes:Vignette Collection
Mountains are shaped by ice and water moving over rock surfaces and transporting sands, gravel, cobbles, and boulders away from their original source. Glaciers and streams erode rock most efficiently at different ...

Influence of rock falls, rock strength, and joint orientation on landscape in the Teton Range part of Vignettes:Vignette Collection
Landslides, rock falls and other processes of mass wasting can significantly influence the shape of mountain landscapes. In addition to contributing to topographic evolution, rock falls can also pose hazards to ...

Geomorphology part of Sedimentary Geology:Sedimentology, Geomorphology, and Paleontology 2014:Courses
This class investigates the surface processes that shape the earth's landscape features. Through our discussions and lab activities, we will evaluate how erosion or deposition of materials creates new features ...