Lisa Lamb
Department of Geology
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Website Content Contributions
Activities (5)
Exploring Styles of Extension in the Gulf of California part of MARGINS Data in the Classroom:Mini Lesson Collection 2014
An introduction to processes associated with continental rifting, and resulting fault geometries and distributions, and lithospheric responses, using seismic data examples from the Gulf of California.
Learn more about this review process.
Course (1)
Geology of the National Parks part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This is an introductory physical geology course for 64-100 mainly non-science students that uses the National Parks as the focus. Modules are built around a geology theme, such as structure or sedimentary rocks, ...
Other Contribution (1)
Using High-resolution Basin Analysis to Unravel Complex Fault Kinematics, Understand Tectonic Events and Address Climate Change in the Central Basin and Range part of Structural Geology and Tectonics:2014 Structure and Tectonics Forum Abstracts
Melissa Lamb, University of St. Thomas Sue Beard, USGS Hickson Thomas, University of St. Thomas Paul Umhoefer, Northern Arizona University The Lake Mead Area is a key area to study extensional processes (e.g., ...
Integrate/GETSI 2023 Survey
Teach the Earth
GeoPRISMS Interest Community