Initial Publication Date: June 9, 2017

NAGTNews - Vol 16 - No 6 - June 2017

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1. Earth Educators' Rendezvous 2017

We are 6 weeks away from the 3rd Annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous in Albuquerque!

Your grades are posted, your students have departed campus, and another academic year has come to a close. As we all take a collective "sigh of relief" take a moment to consider attending this year's Earth Educators' Rendezvous. This will be an event Earth educators will not want to miss.

Morning workshops are filling—now is the time to register!

If you are already registered, pass the word to your friends and colleagues.

  • Check out the newly created Participant Information Page where you can find an up-to-date confirmed participant list, evening events listing, and handy maps and on-site registration details. Check back frequently as we will continue to update the participant list and provide further details on the upcoming Rendezvous.

2. NAGT Officer Elections are in Progress

The 2017 NAGT Officer Elections are open and in progress. You can get information on the candidates for National and Division officers by going to the Elections page of the NAGT website. Voting is open until July 1, 2017.

3. NAGT Activities at 2017 GSA Annual Meeting

NAGT is pleased to sponsor a variety of symposia and sessions at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America meeting held in Seattle, Washington from October 22 to the 25th. You can see all of the field trips and topical sessions that NAGT is sponsoring this year as well as a calendar of meetings and events on the NAGT website.

Submit your abstract (by August 1st) and then join fellow members at the meeting in Seattle this fall. And don't forget to stop by the booth to visit us!

4. Serving Our Communities

NAGT is pleased to announce a new initiative: Serving Our Communities. From local communities to international efforts, education and geoscience both play important roles in our society. The Serving our Communities initiative celebrates the ways that geoscience educators and students are engaging with local, national and global communities.

Check out the inspirational stories of the ways that your colleagues are serving communities from service learning projects that focus on informing policy to working with local industry. Included on the website are links to resources to support use of service learning, community-based research and engaging societal discussions in class.

NAGT members are engaging with their communities in all sorts of ways and now more than ever, these efforts need to be acknowledged and shared.

5. Member Smay Receives Inclusive Geoscience Education and Research Award

Please join us in extending a hearty congratulations to NAGT member Professor Jessica Smay of San Jose City College on receiving the 2017 IAGD Inclusive Geoscience Education and Research (IGER) Award. The award will be presented to Prof. Smay at the IAGD Annual Meeting, Sunday, October 22, at 4:00pm in Seattle, Washington, USA.

More about the IAGD IGER Award:

Congratulations, Jessica!

6. Upcoming NAGT Award Program Deadline: Outstanding TA Award

NAGT recognizes outstanding teaching assistants in geoscience education twice a year with up to 30 awards annually. Both undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants are eligible for the award. Award winners receive a one year membership in NAGT, which includes an online subscription to the Journal of Geoscience Education and our In The Trenches quarterly magazine. Nominations for the Spring 2017 Awards are due by June 15, 2017.

More information and the nomination form are available on the program webpage.

7. JGE Volume 65 Number 2 is Now Available

The May 2017 (v 65, n 2) of the Journal of Geoscience Education is now available. Members can access all the articles via the JGE website. The table of contents for the issue is below.


Interdisciplinary Teaching and Sustainability: An Introduction
Ellen P. Metzger, David E. Blockstein, and Caitlin N. Callahan


Sustainable Energy for University Science Majors: Developing Guidelines for Educators
Elon Langbeheim and Peter Rez

Sustainability: Why the Language and Ethics of Sustainability Matter in the Geoscience Classroom
Ellen P. Metzger and Randall R. Curren


Integrating Geoscience and Sustainability: Examining Socio-Techno-Ecological Relationships Within Content Designed to Prepare Teachers
Annie E. Hale, Catharyn C. Shelton, Jennifer Richter, and Leanna M. Archambault

Mineral Resources in Mobile Phones: A Case Study of Boston and Vienna Teachers and Students
Britta Bookhagen, aChristian Koeberl, Linda Juang, and Donald A. DeRosa

The Geology and Sociology of Consumption: Team-Teaching Sustainability in an Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminar
Emily O. Walsh and Erin Calhoun Davis

Integrated Interdisciplinary Science of the Critical Zone as a Foundational Curriculum for Addressing Issues of Environmental Sustainability
Timothy White, Adam Wymore, Ashlee Dere, Adam Hoffman, James Washburne, and Martha Conklin

Teaching Sustainability Through System Dynamics: Exploring Stocks and Flows Embedded in Dynamic Computer Models of an Agricultural Land Management System
Amy Pallant and Hee-Sun Lee

Students' Understanding of Sustainability and Climate Change Across Linked Service-Learning Courses
Kimberly Coleman, James Murdoch, Shelly Rayback, Amy Seidl, and Kimberly Wallin


Sustainability, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the Education of Future Teachers
Anne E. Egger, Kim A. Kastens, and Margaret K. Turrin

Embedding Sustainability Instruction Across Content Areas: Best Classroom Practices From Informal Environmental Education
Ryan Walker, Renee M. Clary, and Cathy Wissehr

Sustainability in the University Student's Mind: Are University Endorsements, Financial Support, and Programs Making a Difference?
Evan K. Perrault, and Scott K. Clark

How Does Adding an Emphasis on Socioscientific Issues Influence Student Attitudes About Science, Its Relevance, and Their Interpretations of Sustainability?
Michael A. Pelch and David A. McConnell

8. Webinar: The Results from the GER Grand Challenges Survey

Thursday June 22, 2017 at 2 pm eastern
Kristen St. John and Karen McNeal

Earlier this Spring, a NSF-funded survey was conducted to gathered opinions from the geoscience education research (GER) community on what they see as important questions for GER to address in the coming years. In this webinar, results of the survey will be shared and compared with findings from a 2015 GER community workshop and from a 2017 cross discipline-based education research (DBER) workshop. The webinar will include time for participant discussion.

The webinar is free but registration is required. Register for the webinar at
Deadline for Registration is Tuesday, June 20, 2017.

9. New SAGE 2YC Website

The Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education at Two-Year Colleges (SAGE 2YC) Faculty as Change Agents program has a new and improved website.

The new website provides resources to help 2YC faculty and others support two-year college students, sustain faculty learning, and make change happen at the institutional and regional levels. The website still offers previously existing content but also contains new resources developed by the project and its participants.

10. Geoscience Information Society Guidebook Awards

The Guidebooks Committee of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is accepting nominations for the Best Guidebook Award(s) and Outstanding Geologic Field Trip Guidebook Series award. Geologic field trip guidebooks from any region that were produced from 2015-2017 can be considered for the award, which is awarded in the Fall at the annual meeting of the Geoscience Information Society. Via these awards, the GSIS seeks to recognize the value of guidebooks and reward examples of excellence. In addition to being outstanding in content, the nominated titles will be evaluated according to the criteria outlined in the Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Publishers of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks published by GSIS. A list of previous winners can be found online. Nominations, consisting of the title and bibliographic information (author, publisher, etc.) of the work or series, should be sent to the chairs of the Guidebooks Committee. The committee will begin the selection process in July.

Awards may be given in the following categories:

  • Best Guidebook Award(s) - The purpose of these awards is to recognize examples of excellence in geologic field trip guidebooks, with awards in popular and professional categories.
  • Outstanding Geologic Field Trip Guidebook Series award - The purpose of this award is to to recognize organizations that have made continued contributions to the geologic field trip genre over time.

11. Webinar: Introducing AGU's Virtual Poster Showcase Into Your Curricula and Research Programs

Wed, Jun 7, 2017 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

Join Pranoti Asher, Education Manager at AGU, and guest Laura Guertin, professor of Earth science at Penn State-Brandywine, as they discuss how you can integrate AGU's Virtual Poster Showcase into your syllabus or REU program to improve your students' capacity for communicating their science with their peers and superiors.

Register at:

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Doctoral Assistantship in Science Education - Climate Education and Climate Literacy

Posted: Jun 9 2017
4-year doctoral assistantship associated with a new, 4-year, NSF-funded project - High School Students' Climate Literacy Through Epistemology of Scientific Modeling (DRL 1720838)- at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lab Instructor of Geology - University of Tennessee at Martin

Posted: May 11 2017
Lab Instructor of Geology with primary teaching responsibility includes the laboratory instruction for introductory-level physical and environmental geology. Secondary responsibilities include assisting faculty with lectures, labs, and field trips.

Need help getting the word out about your position opening, event, or field trip? Advertise with NAGT!