Submit Instructor Story

We invite users of the MARGINS Mini-Lessons to contribute an "Instructor Story" that can be viewed by other prospective users. This instructor stories will personalize the experience of using these lessons, and also will serve the combined purposes of reflecting on the mini-lesson, and providing tips and pointers to future users. A brief synopsis of each contributed Instructor Story will be posted with the mini-lesson, to entice readers to learn more.

Please fill out one entry per course taught. And thank you!

Your submission becomes a web page. The information you provide here will be used to create a web page describing how you used MARGINS mini-lessons in your course. Please be sure to fill out the entire form and hit "submit" in one sitting. Your submission will be lost if you leave the page before hitting "submit"

Copyright: You retain all rights to your contributed story, and b y contributing your work to this web site, you give GeoPRISMS a license for non-commercial distribution of the material, provided that we attribute the material to you. You are responsible for referencing other people's work and for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material within your contribution. View our terms of use (opens in new window) for more details about this kind of Creative Commons license (opens in new window).

Please select the mini-lessons you taught in this course:

Introductory Statement: The summary should start with one line that captures the context in which the module was used. This should be followed by 2-5 sentences that highlight what was particularly interesting about this particular implementation. This could include the setting, schedule, student group, an exceptional success or unusual adaptation of materials