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Integrative Science & Math Education at Carleton
Making Connections Workshop 2012
Participant Info
What would you like for your students to take from your course and apply to other courses?
Why is this a challenge?
Workshop Product Release
In confirming my registration for this workshop, I agree that any audio recording or images (still or video) made of me during the workshop may be used on the project website, in printed project publications, and in materials developed by the project. I further agree that my contributions to creative works that emerge from workshop activities (e.g., discussions on the listserv, contributions to the web page, summaries of group discussion, etc.) may be used by the PIs and conveners for development of future workshop materials and scholarly reports. Attribution for original contributions will be made whenever possible.
Do you have a disability, food allergy, or preference that requires accommodation at the workshop?
Integrative Science & Math Education at Carleton
For Carleton Faculty
Course-Based Research Experiences Workshop 2015
Students Teaching Science Workshop 2014
Curriculum Development Workshop June 2013
Making Connections Workshop 2012
Submit an Activity
Participant Workspace
Writing Group Workspace