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Working with Maps

Initial Publication Date: July 19, 2007
Points to make:
Map types and different uses
topographic maps and uses
geologic maps and uses
making topographic and geologic maps
topographic and geologic cross-sections
3-D models, maps from other countries, shaded relief, national park series
Sources of maps and photos
Geoscape http://www.gc.maricopa.edu/appliedscience/geoweb/gmapproj.html glendale Community College - like a combination rock garden and landscape geologic map JGE article reference: http://www.nagt.org/files/nagt/jge/abstracts/Calderone_v51n2.pdf GeoScape: AN INSTRUCTIONAL ROCK GARDEN FOR INQUIRYBASED COOPERATIVE LEARNING EXERCISES IN INTRODUCTORY GEOLOGY COURSES Gary J. Calderone Glendale Community College, 6000 West Olive Avenue, Glendale AZ 85302, gary.calderone@gcmail.maricopa.edu J. Robert Thompson bob.thompson@gcmail.maricopa.edu Wayne M. Johnson wayne.johnson@gcmail.maricopa.edu Steve D. Kadel s.kadel@gcmail.maricopa.edu Pamela J. Nelson pam.nelson@gcmail.maricopa.edu Michelle Hall-Wallace Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721, hall@geo.arizona.edu Robert F. Butler butler@geo.arizona.edu