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References for Economists

Initial Publication Date: November 13, 2009
Note: Each of the references below was added to the original module. Each will ultimately be cataloged in the library of resources maintained at the site and this page will disappear.

Articles cited:

Angelo, T.A. and Cross, K.P. (1993) Classrooms Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Barkley, E. F., Cross, K. P., & Major, C. H. 2005. Collaborative learning techniques : A handbook for college faculty. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Bartlett, R. L. 1996. "Discovering Diversity in Introductory Economics." Journal of Economics Perspectives 10 (Spring): 141-53.

Bartlett, R. L. 1995. "A Flip of the Coin- A Roll of the Die: An Answer to the Free-Rider Problem in Economic Education." Journal of Economic Education, vol. 26(2): 131-139.

Becker, W. E. 2007. Quit lying and address the controversies: There are no dogmata, laws, rules or standards in the science of economics. American Economist, 51(1), 3-14.

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Cooper, J.L., MacGregor, J., Smith, K. A. & Robinson, P. (2000). Implementing Small Group Instruction: Insights from Successful Practitioners. In MacGregor et al Strategies for Energizing Large Classes: From Small Groups to Learning Communities. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, No. 81. Jossey -Bass Publishers.

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Maier, M. 2003a. You can learn a lot by listening. National Teaching and Learning Forum, 12(2).

Panitz, Ted. 2003. Faculty and Student Resistance to Cooperative Learning. In J. Cooper, P. Robinson, and D. Ball (eds). Small Group Instruction in Higher Education: Lessons from the Past, Visions of the Future. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press: 292-309.

Pascarella, E.T. and Terenzini, P.T., How College Affects Students: Finding and Insights from Twenty Years of Research, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1991.

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Smith, K.A. and A.A. Waller. 1997. "Cooperative Learning for New College Teachers." In W.E. Campbell and K.A. Smith (eds.), New Paradigms for College Teaching. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company: p. 183-209.

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Vidakovic, D. 1997. Learning the concept of inverse functions in a group versus individual environment. In E. Dubinsky, D. M. Mathews & B. E. Reynolds (Eds.), Readings in cooperative learning for undergraduate mathematics (pp. 173-195). Washington, DC: Math Association of America.

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Yamarik, S. (2007), "Does Cooperative Learning Improve Student Learning Outcomes?" Journal of Economic Education, 38(3), 259-277.

Ziegert, A. and McGoldrick, K. 2008. "When Service is Good for Economics: Linking the Classroom and Community through Service-Learning." International Review of Economics Education, vol. 7 (2): 39-56.

Ziegert, A. 2000. "The Role of Personality Temperament and Student Learning in Principles of Economics: Further Evidence." Journal of Economic Education. 31(4): 307-322.

Additional cooperative learning in economics articles:

Bartlett, R. 2006. The Evolution of Cooperative Learning and Economics Instruction. In Becker, W.E., M Watts, and S.R. Becker (eds) Teaching Economics: More Alternatives to Chalk and Talk. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press: 39-58.

Bartlett, R. 1998. Making Cooperative Learning Work in Economics Classes. In Becker, W.E., M Watts, and S.R. Becker (eds) Teaching Economics to Undergraduates: Alternatives to Chalk and Talk. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press.

Becker, W. E., and C. Johnston. 1999. The relationship between multiple choice and essay response questions in assessing economics understanding. The Economic Record75 (231): 348–57.

Cameron, B. 1998. "Active and Cooperative Learning Strategies for the Economics Classroom" in Teaching Undergraduate Economics: A Handbook for Instructors. Walstad, W.B. and P. Saunders, ed., Boston, Mass: Irwin McGraw-Hill.

Capresso, E. and M. Haggerty. 2000. Teaching Economics: A Cooperative Learning Model. College Teaching, vol. 48(2): 69-74.

Caviglia-Harris, J. 2007. Using Cooperative Learning to Improve Student Understanding of Exam Evaluation. Presented at the ASSA meeting, January. http://www.aeaweb.org/annual_mtg_papers/2007/0106_0800_1201.pdf

Cohn, C. 1999. Cooperative Learning in a Macroeconomics Course: A Team Simulation. College Teaching, vol. 47(2): 51-54.

Johnston, C. G. 1997. Cooperative learning of economics in a peer tutoring context at the University of Melbourne. Australian Economic Papers (special edition): 56–68.

Johnston, C.G., R.H. James, J.N. Lye and I.M. McDonald. 2000. An Evaluation of the Introduction of Collaborative Problem-Solving for Learning Economics. Journal of Economic Education, vol. 31 (1): 13-29.

Keenan, D. and M. Maier. 2004. Economics Live! Learning Economics the Collaborative Way, Fourth Edition. Boston, Mass: McGraw-Hill.

Kourilsky, M and M.C. Wittrock. 1992. Generative Teaching: An Enhancement Strategy for the Learning of Economics in Cooperative Groups. American Educational Research Journal, vol. 29(4): 861-76.

Laney, J. 1999. A Sample Lesson in Economics for Primary Students: How Cooperative and Mastery Learning Methods Can Enhance Social Studies Teaching. Social Studies, vol 90 (4): 152-58.

Lumsden, K., and A. Scott. 1986. Gender and the economics student reexamined. Journal of Economic Education18 (4): 365–75.

Maier, M. 2003b. Surveys and cooperative learning: Using student experiences as the basis for small-group work. In J. L. Cooper, P. Robinson & D. Ball (Eds.), Small group instruction in higher education: Lessons from the past, visions of the future (pp. 311-320). Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.

Maier, M. and D. Keenan. 1994. Teaching Tools: Cooperative Learning in Economics. Economy Inquiry, vol 32(2): 358-61.

Maier, M., K. McGoldrick and S. Simkins. 2009. Implementing Cooperative Learning in Introductory Economics Courses. In Millis, B. (ed) Cooperative Learning in Higher Education, Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy, Sterling, VA: Stylus Press

Manning, L. M. and Riordan, C. A. 2000. Using groupware software to support collaborative learning in economics, Journal of Economic Education, summer, pp. 244-52.

Marburger, D.R. 2005. Comparing Student Performance Using Cooperative Learning. International Review of Economics Education, vol. 4(1): 46-57.

Panitz, T. 2003. Faculty and Student Resistance to Cooperative Learning. In Cooper, J., P. Robinson, and D. Ball, eds. Small Group Instruction in Higher Education: Lessons from the Past, Visions for the Future. Stillwater, OK: New Forms Press: p. 193-200.

Schmidt, S. 2003. Active and Cooperative Learning Using Web-Based Simulations. Journal of Economic Education, vol 34(2): 151-167.

Watkins, R. 2005. Groupwork and Assessment. Handbook for Economics Lecturers, http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/handbook/

Yamarik, S. 2007. Does Cooperative Learning Improve Student Learning Outcomes? Journal of Economic Education, vol. 38 (3): 259-277