The Eyes in the Sky Project Team
Carla McAuliffe, Ph.D., Co-PI, Project Director, Curriculum Developer, and Internal Evaluator

LuAnn Dahlman, B.S. Co-PI, Project Director and Curriculum Developer
LuAnn Dahlman is a Communications Specialist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Program Office. Ms. Dahlman received her BS degree in geology, worked in the minerals exploration industry, and taught Earth science at the high school level for seven years. At TERC, she served as project director, curriculum developer, and professional development instructor for a range of NSF- and NOAA-funded projects. Ms. Dahlman spent 9 weeks in Antarctica during the fall of 2006. As Co-PI of an IPY Informal Science Education project, she authored a book of hands-on activities that feature geologic evidence of past climates. The activity book plus accompanying banners and video podcasts form the foundation of outreach materials for the international ANDRILL project. The project is also producing a NOVA video titled Antarctica's Climate Warnings, scheduled to air in December of 2009.Jeff Lockwood, Ed.D., Co-PI, Curriculum Developer and Workshop Leader
Dr. Jeff Lockwood currently works for TERC in Cambridge, Mass on several professional development projects, and has worked for NOAO, as Co-PI of the RBSE and TLRBSE projects since 1995. He wrote curriculum materials for such National Science Foundation programs as "Project STAR," "Hands-On Universe" and "Hands-On Astrophysics" while teaching high school astronomy, physics, Earth science, and astronomical research for 28 years at Sahuaro High School in Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Lockwood also taught planetary and stellar astronomy at Pima Community College for 20 years. He served on the ASP's Board of Directors from 1990 to 1996, and he was the author of the long-running "Black Holes to Blackboards" column on astronomy education in Mercury magazine.Larry Kendall, M.A., Technical Support Specialist and Curriculum Developer
Larry Kendall has extensive teaching, teacher training, curriculum development, and technical support experience. After teaching science, mathematics, and technology for eleven years at the middle school and community college levels, he went on to develop GIT-based curriculum materials, lead teacher enhancement workshops, and present at major conferences. As part of the SAGUARO Project at the University of Arizona, Mr. Kendall co-authored the NSF-funded GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences curriculum series, including Exploring the Dynamic Earth, Exploring Tropical Cyclones, and Exploring Water Resources, Exploring the Ocean Environment. Currently, he teaches Integrated Technology at Sitting Bull Middle School in Apple Valley, California.