Eyes in the Sky Survey

Hello former Eyes in the Sky participant!

Would you please assist us in our efforts to document the impact that the Eyes in the Sky program has had on your teaching and learning experiences? We value your input as it will help shape future professional development programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

As with all of our previous surveys, the results of this survey will be kept confidential. Unless, we ask your permission, you will not be identified by name or school affiliation in any reports or publications resulting from this survey.

This survey should take approximately 25 to 30 minutes to complete.

For taking the time to complete the survey, you will receive a Barnes and Noble e-card good for $25 worth of merchandise. We will also enter you in a drawing for a chance to win additional GPS units and digital cameras.


During the National Science Foundation-funded Eyes in the Sky Professional Development Program, you learned how to use three geospatial information technologies (GIT):

  1. image analysis software (ImageJ)
  2. geographic information system (GIS) software (ArcView) and
  3. handheld global positioning system (GPS) units

It has been either been one, two, or three years since you participated in the Eyes in the Sky program. Recall that the program began with a distance learning course, followed by a summer institute, during which students attended. During the school year, we asked you to carry out a GIT-based research project with your students. Some of you carried out a research project during that year, while others of you carried out GIT-based activities, but did not complete a research project. Through individual emails, phone calls, and meeting you at professional conferences, we know that some of you have repeated and refined your research projects and some of you have incorporated GIT-based activities into your teaching in other ways. This survey will help us measure the spectrum of geospatial technology implementation that has occurred in your classroom. Thanks so much for your time!

The Survey

5. If so, please identify all the technologies incorporated: (check all that apply)

7. If not, please identify the challenges you faced or barriers that prevented you from carrying out a project: (check all that apply)

10. If not, please identify the challenges you faced or barriers that prevented you from carrying out GIT-based activities: (check all that apply)

In the time since you participated in the Eyes in the Sky program (that is, in the past one, two, or three years) please estimate how often you use the following technologies in your teaching and learning:

Rate your proficiency in each of the following areas:

26. What kinds of professional development programs have you participated in since the Eyes in the Sky program? (check all that apply)

27. In which content areas have you participated in professional development since the Eyes in the Sky program? (check all that apply)