« Discussion 9  

1. My map shows line of latitude and longitude, boundaries and countries in a layout view. I chose this, after working with the toolbar and decided this is a valuable tool for grade 5 lessons. OI added a scale and a compass rose which are skills younger students still require reinforcers for. *It helps brings things into perspective.

2. Data which could be used: Weather patterns and volcanoes.

3. Data sets using latitude and longitude: geospatial relationships, setting of the sun and moon and seasonal changes, mathematical concepts.

4. Lingering question and comment:
a-How much time is needed to prepare for workshops? I felt I spent a good amount preparing but still was unsure of myself.
b- I was afraid to take up any more time on-line but Carla was fantastic about helping me with WinZip. I needed to have more confidence and showing my screen was so beneficial.


Screen Shot 3 GIS (Microsoft Word 94kB May10 08)


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« Discussion 9