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Survey for Online Earth Exploration Toolbook (EET) Seminar
What is your name?
List your position and affiliation (i.e. Classroom Teacher, Circle High School).
What grade level and subjects do you teach?
Provide an email address at which you can be easily reached.
What is the date of the online seminar you attended?
Briefly summarize what you learned about the EET tool and dataset of the chapter.
EET is a professional development tool for teachers. How well do you feel the chapter prepared you to use the featured tool and dataset with students?
How would you use this EET tool and dataset with students? (Would you use the case study or is there another way you would introduce students to the techniques of the chapter?)
In addition to the case study, what other applications of the chapter tool and dataset would you consider exploring with students?
Do you feel comfortable enough with the EET tool and dataset of the chapter to introduce it to students?
If not, how much more additional preparation do you feel you would need?
At this point, how likely are you to use the EET tool and dataset of the chapter with students? Explain why you feel this way.
Please suggest any overall improvements to the chapter or feedback about specific issues you had with chapter content or techniques.
What did you find most useful about today's seminar?
What did you find least useful about today's seminar?
How do you think an online seminar of this format could be improved?
Additional comments you would like to offer:
Earth Exploration Toolbook
How can I use the EET?
Chapters in the EET
EET Professional Development
The EET Team
About EET