Initial Publication Date: March 24, 2007

Sharing Your Second DataTools Activity Plan


Happy New Year and welcome to another asynchronous Web-based collaboration of the DataTools program! This event will extend from Thursday, January 11 through Sunday evening, January 21. The focus of this event is on sharing your plan for your second DataTools activity.

We have divided this event into two blocks. Between Thursday, January 11 and Wednesday evening, January 17, we ask that you contribute a brief description of your own plan. During the Wednesday through Sunday time block, we ask you review the plans of your colleagues. Details are below.

Sharing Your Plans for your next classroom DataTools implementation

Between Thursday 1/11 and Wednesday evening 1/17/2007
  • Identify the data set you plan to use and (if pertinent) provide a link to Web-based data.
  • Briefly describe the activity you plan to use. What question will students address? What will the students do?
  • Describe how your activity supports your district's curriculum requirements.

Access the discussion area.

Reviewing the plans your colleagues have posted

Between Thursday 1/17 and Sunday 1/21
  • This is an opportunity to see what data sets and activities your colleagues are planning to use. You may find some ideas that you can modify for your own future use.
  • Ask questions of your colleagues about plans that interest you.
  • Make helpful comments or suggestions if you have prior experience with a data set or an activity.

Access the discussion area.

A Reminder About Help
Please ask for help as you may need it, from your colleagues or from the DataTools program staff. We are always available to help.

One Important Note
Each time you start a new discussion strand, a link will appear beside the title of the strand that reads, "Notify me of new posts." By electing this option, you will receive an e-mail notification when someone asks a question or makes a comment within the strand.