Part 1—Download Images and Software
Step 1 – Download the Images
NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio has prepared Landsat data into a set of three time-series images. Each image shows the Pearl River delta region in China at a different time. Use the following links to download the 3 images to your computer.
Image 1 ( 391kB May8 04)
Image 2 ( 373kB May8 04)
Image 3 ( 406kB May8 04)
Note: See the Going Further section for links to additional sets of registered images for practicing this technique.
Step 2 – Download and Install ImageJ Software
ImageJ is in the public domain. It can be freely downloaded and installed on any computer including those at schools, homes, and businesses.
- Go to the ImageJ Download page and open it in a new window.
- Click the link that appears directly below the name of your computer's operating system (e.g., Mac, Linux, Windows). This action will transfer a compressed file of the software to your computer. Your browser should automatically expand the file, creating an ImageJ folder on your computer's hard drive. For more detailed instructions from the ImageJ website, click Installation Instructions, then select your operating system.
Step 3 – Update or Downgrade ImageJ
Double-click the ImageJ icon
to launch the application and choose Help > Update > ImageJ.... A window will appear, telling you the version you are currently running and a list of upgrade versions. Choose the version you want to upgrade to (usually the most recent, or default version) and click OK. After the update downloads, you will need to re-launch ImageJ to run the new version.
ImageJ is a professional research and analysis tool, and is under constant development. If the latest update of the application introduces new bugs or errors, or has an unfamiliar interface that does not match written instructions, you can downgrade your copy of ImageJ to an older, more stable or familiar version.