Andrea Ziegert

Initial Publication Date: February 23, 2009
Andrea ziegert

Associate Professor of Economics
209 Higley Hall
Denison University
One Main Street
Granville, OH 43023

Phone: 740.587.6575
Fax: 740.587.6348

Background Information

Andrea Ziegert is Associate Professor of Economics at Denison University in Granville, OH. She earned her Ph.D. in economics from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 1985.

Andrea's interest in economic pedagogy began with a study of the role of personality temperament and learning in economics. This study, which identified the importance of tapping into student experience to increase learning, ultimately led to an interest in service-learning an experiential pedagogy, which links classroom learning with student service experience in the community. As Director of Curricular Service-Learning at Denison University she was responsible for helping faculty with course development, from identifying service activities that supported classroom learning objectives, to developing opportunities for reflection, to designing assessment rubrics. With co-author KimMarie McGoldrick she has edited Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Economics, and has published works on the state of service-learning research. Her current interests focus on student learning outcomes of service-learning and faculty motivation to adopt this pedagogy. Her work is of interest to both economic educators and service-learning researchers.