Steve DeLoach
Initial Publication Date: July 24, 2009

Professor of Economics
Elon University
Campus Box 2075
Elon, NC 27244
Background Information
Steve DeLoach is Professor of economics at Elon University in North Carolina. He completed his PhD in economics from Michigan State University in 1993. Steve's primary areas of research and teaching include international, macroeconomics, and applied econometrics.Since coming to Elon in 1996, Steve has published more than a dozen peer-reviewed journal articles, 3 of which he co-authored with Elon undergraduates. In addition, he has published a number of pedagogically-focused papers on teaching of critical thinking, appearing in the Journal of Economic Education, Contemporary Economic Policy and the Journal of Teaching in International Business.
Steve has extensive experience supervising undergraduate research. He has mentored over 60 undergraduate research projects including economics senior theses, honors theses and summer research experiences. His students have published 15 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as the Atlantic Economic Journal, International Advances in Economic Research, and Issues in Political Economy. They have also made over 40 undergraduate and professional conference presentations.
Since 1999 Steve has served as a faculty advisor for the undergraduate research journal, Issues in Political Economy. Since that time he has served on the program committee for the Eastern Economics Conference where he annually co-organizes the undergraduate research sessions.